Thursday, February 2, 2012


Donald Trump announced today to anxiously waiting and speculating media and crowds that he would be endorsing Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination for President of the United States. Newt Gingrich, who was so sure he would get the endorsement, pouted and said that he had received signs that Trump was going to endorse him before Mitt changed his mind. Now everyone is breathlessly waiting to see who Sarah Palin will endorse.

Can someone please tell me why we give a damn?

Seriously, these endorsements from marginal, crazy people are just desperate cries for attention from both the candidates themselves and the people making the endorsement. Trump and Palin never shy away from making absolute spectacles of themselves, and the media shamelessly fawns after them, waiting to see what they're going to say.

And why do we care who Trump is going to vote for? Who cares who Sarah Palin thinks will be a good president? These people are political hacks who failed at their own bids for power.

And yet, Palin is called a "leader of the Tea Party." The candidate I worked for even sought her attention and her endorsement, knowing that simply by having her mention his name or put him up on her website would bring thousands of dollars to his campaign.


The only thing that should be informing our votes is what sort of role these candidates would play if elected into office. What policies will they pursue? What legislation will they veto? How will they conduct themselves in foreign affairs? Will they lead our country with good conscience or will they sell us out to the highest bidders? Will they embarrass on the global stage or will they be leaders we can look back and be proud of? What are their beliefs? Will they address our deficit? Will they limit civil rights? What kind of justice will they nominate for the Supreme Court when Ginsburg retires? What will our country look like under their leadership?

Not, "Who does Sarah Palin or Donald Trump like the best?"!!!

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